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GK Digital Learning

Experience online learning that blends the best of e-learning and instructor-led training

A new category of online learning has emerged. The classroom has long been the go-to environment for developing deep skills, while online videos have provided a high-level overview and awareness. But there are times when neither is the best solution. After all, independent, born-on-the-web professionals need more than self-paced instructional videos or voice-over PowerPoint presentations. Trailblazing, entrepreneurial technologists thrive when they have on-demand access to authorized content, reinforcement exercises and labs, and connections with subject matter experts.

GK Digital Learning brings all of these elements together in a feature-rich environment, providing access to industry-validated content and a variety of reinforcement resources that ensure your success, whether you need a single course or access to a topical collection of courses.

Microsoft On-Demand

With MOC On-Demand, part of Microsoft Total Access, customers can build deep technical skills on a range of Microsoft technologies when they choose, where they choose. Its modular self-directed structure lets learners complete training in an order of their choosing; allowing them the freedom to focus on what they don’t know or on what they need to know right now.

Application Development Training On-Demand

Maintaining the right skills is critical. That is precisely why you need options and flexibility. With Global Knowledge On-Demand, that is exactly what you get: the opportunity to dive into flexible content when you need it, consuming a full course or a single module at a time whichever you choose.

Cisco Digital Learning Library

The experience of the Cisco Digital Learning Library is designed to be hands-on, interactive through discovery labs, content review and challenge questions and is segmented in easily-consumable video and text, to ensure that every learning style is accounted for.

Digital Learning

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