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Examination Policies

EXAM CONDITIONS GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE belonging to the Global Knowledge Terms and Conditions

These exam conditions apply to examinations sold by Global Knowledge Belgium and taken in a "Testing Center" located in the premises of Global Knowledge in Mechelen, Ghent and Brussels.


  1. The exams can only be taken in a "Testing Center" of Global Knowledge.
  2. Global Knowledge only administers the examinations of candidates who have purchased an exam "Knowledge Pass" from Global Knowledge. Other candidates must register directly with the supplier for examinations.
  3. Registration for examinations can only be done in writing preferably by means of the appropriate form or by means of an e-mail.
  4. Applications must be received by Global Knowledge no later than 5 business days before the desired exam date.
  5. Applications are preferably made by the contact person of the client.
  6. The holder of the Examination Knowledge Pass, or the contact person as his representative, is obliged to keep Global Knowledge informed at all times of any changes within the project that have a direct result for the examinations.
  7. Requested exams are confirmed in writing to the client's contact person.
  8. An exam booking can be canceled free of charge up to 5 working days before the exam date. In case of cancellation or shift within 2 to 5 working days, resp. € 100 or € 50 will be charged. In case of cancellation or transfer within 2 working days before the exam date, 100% of the costs will be charged.
  9. If a candidate does not appear on the exam, 100% of the costs of the exam will be charged.
  10. On the day on which the exam is taken, the candidate must report to Global Knowledge on time, where the candidate will be asked to identify himself with a valid passport or driving license and another identity card (for example, a bank card).
  11. If the candidate is present 30 minutes late, the exam administrator has the right to refuse the candidate.
  12. Unless otherwise agreed, invoicing of the total price due, plus VAT, will take place immediately upon receipt of the booking confirmation by Global Knowledge.


  1. The Examination Knowledge Pass consists of a variable number of "strips" to be agreed upon. One strip is valid as a means of payment for one (re) exam.
  2. The Examination Knowledge Pass is valid for a maximum of 1 (one) year. The period of validity of the exam Knowledge Pass commences on the date of signature of the contract and ends at the moment that the number of strips agreed has been used, but in any case 1 (one) year after the start date.
  3. If the agreement has not yet been signed, the validity period starts on the date on which the first exam is scheduled. (When this exam is postponed, the original exam date remains valid as the starting date of the exam Knowledge Pass).
  4. The Examination Knowledge Pass can not be exchanged for money.
  5. The rights and obligations arising from the aforementioned agreement are not transferable without prior written permission from Global Knowledge.
  6. The holder must appoint a contact person at the conclusion of the agreement per Examination Knowledge Pass.
  7. Upon request, the contact person of the holder will be informed about:
  • the examinations taken with the use of his Examination Knowledge Pass, per exam, stating the candidate.
  • the planned examinations, if and insofar as known to us.