Microsoft Azure Quiz
How well do you really know Azure? Take our quiz to see how you stack up and receive training recommendations based on your knowledge.
Test your Microsoft Azure skillsUse our assessments to check your skills, measure your knowledge and help determine your training path.
How well do you really know Azure? Take our quiz to see how you stack up and receive training recommendations based on your knowledge.
Test your Microsoft Azure skillsAre you a DevOps guru? Test your knowledge and find out which course is recommended based on your skillset.
Test your DevOps skillsTake a short quiz to learn if you’re an AWS ninja or if you need to build your AWS skills.
Test your AWS skillsPut your security knowledge to the test with the Security Awareness Portal. Once you've gone through our portal, you know exactly which security knowledge you are missing.
Use the Red Hat skills assessment tool to discover what training opportunities you may benefit from.
The Global Knowledge A+ assessment will assist you in measuring your knowledge and readiness for the CompTIA A+ certification exams.
The Global Knowledge networking fundamentals pre-course assessment is designed to help you gain an understanding of your level of networking accumen.
TCP/IP Fundamentals pre-class assessment is designed to help you gain an understanding of your level of TCP/IP knowledge.
This certification check for Cisco CCNA helps you measure your knowledge and readiness for the CCNA certification exam.
This certification check for Business Analysis helps you measure your knowledge and readiness for the CCBA™ and CBAP® certification exams.
This certification check for ITIL® will help you measure your knowledge and readiness for the ITIL certification exams.
The Global Knowledge Cert Check for Project Management is an online assessment tool to assist you in measuring your knowledge and readiness for the PMP® and CAPM® certification exams.