The end of the Microsoft SATV is here
- Date: 17 January, 2021
The Microsoft SATV-program is ending. Global Knowledge Business Development Manager Frank van de Laarschot writes about what this means for you in this article.
The Microsoft Software Assurance Training Voucher (SATV) program is ending. These SATV-vouchers will be valid until December 2021, depending on when your organization started the contract with Microsoft.
To use these vouchers, make sure you have entered the number of training course you’d like to use them for on the voucher. You have to do this before the end of June 2021. By doing this, the voucher becomes valid to the employee that wants to use it for a training course.
Don’t wait too long
If you wait to the last minute – you will waste your training course budget. Make sure you put your SATV in your training program and use this budget before the expiration date. Plan the training courses with our course advisors, because Microsoft has limited the portfolio you can use these SATV’s for.
More information
Need more information about the usage of SATV-vouchers? Reach out to your account manager or the Global Knowledge customer service.