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Cybersecurity webinars, workshops and assessment


Technical Deepdive
with Containers, Kubernetes,
Red Hat OpenShift.
13 October at 19 PM CET

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Fireside Chat:
Expert Advice on Starting a Career in Cybersecurity.
20 October at 18 PM CET

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Empower your skills
with Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity (SCI) Certifications
21 October at 18 PM CET

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Interessant leesvoer over cybersecurity


Download Whitepaper Zo ben je cybercriminelen te slim af

‘Your files have been encrypted! To decrypt the files, follow the instructions…’
Organisaties lezen deze gevreesde boodschap steeds vaker op hun beeldschermen. Een organisatie die deze boodschap ontvangt, is slachtoffer geworden van een ransomware-aanval.

Leer in dit whitepaper hoe je een ransomware-aanval voorkomt, maar ook hoe je deze detecteert als je toch besmet raakt. Tot slot ontdek je hoe je de schade beperkt en herstelt. Neem de regie terug en maak jouw organisatie ransomware-aware met dit whitepaper. Veel leesplezier!

Cybersecurity Actie

Oktober is Cybersecurity Awareness maand. Het is en blijft belangrijk dat iedereen, dus niet alleen de IT-professional, bewust is van de cyberrisico’s en cyberveilig gedrag serieus neemt.

My Password is Too Strong for Attackers

While having a strong password can help keep most bad actors out, it may not keep all out. In this video, James talks about the ways attackers may take advantage of the shortcomings of password authentication and how to avoid becoming a victim.

The cyber myths debunked in this video:

- My password is too strong for an attack

- I’m not important enough to attack

Cyber Attacks Only Come From Outside Sources

It’s hard to believe that attacks may come from internal sources; for some, it’s the last place they’d expect. But, unfortunately, attackers may be closer than you think. James covers a few examples of security incidents from internal sources and the ways to prevent them.

The cyber myths debunked in this video:

- I can always spot or recognize an attacker or a breach

- We've not been breached before, so our security plan is good enough for the future

- I use security products, so I don't have anything to worry about

Social Media: My 'Friends' Wouldn't Scam Me

“We’re friends, right? My friends wouldn’t try to scam me.” In this video, James breaks down the various ways attackers can use a person’s friends list on social media to gain access to sensitive information.

The cyber myths debunked in this video:

- Those I know through social media can't hurt me

- I only visit common websites, so I'm safe

- I can always spot a scam because they are obvious