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Global Knowledge opens the doors to their training centres

Global Knowledge
  • Date: 07 September, 2021

Global Knowledge are delighted to welcome students back to our training centres. Following several months of closures due to the coronavirus pandemic, students can once again enjoy in-person classroom events.

To keep our visitors and employees safe, we have introduced a number of procedures at our training centres, in line with advice from Public Health England. initially there will be a limited number of places available per classroom event to ensure social distancing measures can be maintained , this will be monitored and adjusted as over the coming weeks and months.

How we have prepared for the safe re-opening of our centres:

  • A full deep-clean of the site has been completed.
  • An independent COVID risk assessment has been completed. As part of this they have reviewed our site layout, the number of delegates we initially expect to attend in class, our measures and processes that we have implemented and air flow within our site to confirm that they meet, and exceed guidelines.
  • We will limit the number of students and classes each week and we encourage individuals to adhere to social distancing advice.
  • Hand sanitiser and wipes will be available in all areas. Students are encouraged to wash their hands on arrival, and regularly throughout the day.
  • Additional cleaning has been implemented.
  • If you would like to wear a face mask, but forgotten yours, please inform a member of staff upon arrival, as they will be able to provide you with a new one.

Please note, we will require your mobile number upon arrival so we can contact you in case someone has signs of COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive. Your data will only be held one week post-course completion.



What if a student tests positive?

We are able to move our courses to a live virtual classroom environment. Therefore, students can continue the course at home without interruption and complete the learning objectives.

Below are details of our actions should an individual test positive during an event:

  • If a delegate develops symptoms during a class we will immediately switch the class to a live virtual event, all delegates will be asked not to travel to our training centre as they can join the classroom event virtually.
  • If you are contacted by Test and Trace and you are asked to self-isolate, we will immediately switch you to a Virtual Classroom attendee to continue your class.
  • If the trainer if contacted by Test and Trace and asked to self-isolate we will switch them to virtual so the class will continue.
  • If we experience multiple COVID cases we will close the site and switch all learning to live virtual classroom training whilst we perform a deep clean, this normally takes 24 to 48 hrs.

We will review all these changes regularly and alter them if necessary, in line with government guidance.

Please contact your local Account Manager if you are interested in attending a course in a Global Knowledge training centre.

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